28 Jul Social Security Disability Medical Conditions
If you have been diagnosed with cancer you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits. Most types of cancer are covered under the Social Security Administration definitions for disability. If you are unable to work due to a recent diagnoses of cancer you can call our office at 952-294-0144 to get more information about how we can help you get benefits.
In most cases you will need your doctor to provide documentation of the type of cancer you have. In addition you may want to check with your doctor to make sure they will support your application for Social Security Disability Benefits.
Muskoskeletal Problems, Orthopedic Injuries
If you are unable to work due to problems with your bones or joints, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Benefits. These problems range from carpel tunnel syndrome to broken bones, and sore joints. If you have any of these issues you can contact our office to determine if you have a good claim for benefits. In order to prove your case you will need to have your treating physician document your injuries and how they impair your ability to work.
Cardiac Issues including Heart Attacks
Have you recently suffered from cardiac issues including heart attacks or strokes. If you have you may be eligible for Social Security Disability assistance. The Social Security Administration allows disability benefits for many cardiac and vascular disorders. If you feel like you cannot work due to congestive heart failure or any other cardiac issue, give our office a call at 952-294-0144 to determine you eligibility. If you are suffering from cardiac or vascular issues it is important to continue treatment, since we will need to document your disability claim with your medical records, to prove that you are unable to work.
Mental Health Issues
If you are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Panic Attacks, Depression, Autism or other mental health issues, you may be eligible for Social Security benefits. Again it is important to have a treatment record to prove to the Social Security Administration that you are unable to work due to your mental health issues. We can help you in this process by getting the correct documentation together to help your claim move smoothly through the system. In order to present the best case possible we need documentation from your treating physician or psychologist showing how your disability impedes your ability to work.
Pulmonary Conditions
If you are experiencing any of the following conditions including emphysema, asthma, cystic fibrosis, or any other pulmonary disorders, you can call our office to determine if we can help you obtain disability benefits. We understand that you would like to work, but are unable due to your disability. The idea behind Social Security Disability is that it provides benefits for people like you who cannot work because of things beyond their control. If you are experiencing any of these issue call our office at 952-294-0144 to see how we can help you get the benefits you deserve.
Stomach or Liver Issues
If you are experiencing cirrhosis, chronic liver disease, peptic ulcers or other stomach disorders call our office to see if you qualify for assistance. Our office helps you through the process by providing legal advice to get you through the government red tape, and get you back to having a source of income. We understand how stressful it can be not knowing where your next check will come from, since you still need to support you family, even if you are disabled.
HIV or Auto Immune Diseases
If you have been diagnosed with any auto immune disease including fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis, connective tissue disorder or other immune disease we may be able to help you get disability benefits. It is hard to work if you have any of the foregoing issues and that is why you may be entitled to disability benefits. It is important to talk to a Social Security Disability lawyer if you have been diagnosed with any of the above issues. We need your help along with your treating physicians help to make the case that you are unable to work.
Social Security and Neurological Disorders
We help people with neurological disorders including multiple sclerosis, Traumatic Brain Injury, seizures, and other neurological disorders. If these problems are preventing you from seeking work, contact us today at 952-294-0144 to help you get the benefits you deserve. We are attorneys and can help you navigate the complex federal bureaucracy.
Blood Disorders
If you are suffering from leukemia, sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, anemia, blood clotting disorders, or any other blood disease you may be eligible for socials security disability benefits. If you are unable to perform the work that you used to perform due to any of these blood disorders, give our office a call at 952-294-0144 to discuss your options. We help you properly document your case, to give you the best possible chance for success with the Social Security Administration.
If you suffer from sever migraine headaches and your doctor has advised that you can no longer work, give us a call at 952-294-0144. We can help you get Social Security benefits. In order to qualify for these benefits you must prove that you are unable to work due to the severity of the headaches.
Do you suffer from Type I or Type II diabetes. If you suffer from these disorders and the constant scheduling demands of diabetes are making it impossible to work, give our lawyers a call at 952-294-0144 to find out how Bolinske Law, LLC can help you get the benefits you deserve.
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