If you have been turned down for credit, you must be provided with a copy of your credit report indicating the reason for the rejection. In many cases after you look at your credit report you will find errors. In some cases these errors will...
If you are tired of being harassed by creditors you may have options with how to deal with the debt. Our office can help you decide what the correct course of action is in dealing with your debt situation. You do not want to wait...
The top ten violations of the FDCPA by bill collectors are:
1. Contacting at work after they are told to stop;
2. Making repeated contacts after they are told to not call anymore;
3. Sending out letters that deceive or intimidate an individual;
4. Leaving voicemail messages that give...
The following is a list of the most common violations we see from creditors who have violated the FDCPA:
1. Calling the Debtor at work, even though they have been informed not to call work;
2. Calling friends and neighbors more than once looking for information on...
If you are being harassed by creditors calling you at work you may be able to sue the collector under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. If you have told the collector to stop calling you and they continue to call you may be entitled...
If you are being harassed and abused by debt collectors or collection lawyers, then you need to learn about your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). You may be able to turn the tables on the debt collectors and sue them to...
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy in Minnesota you are probably worried about losing your house. The main issues to look at when a Debtor owns a home and files for bankruptcy protection is does the house have equity. If the house does...
San Bernardino California has filed for bankruptcy protection under chapter 9 of the bankruptcy code. The primary reason a municipality would file for bankruptcy protection is they can no longer afford to pay their bondholders and pension obligations. In this case it looks like the...
If you do not want to file for bankruptcy then you have a few alternatives. The first is pay all your bills in full. The second is negotiate a settlement of the debts with your creditors. The third option is consolidate your debts into one...
If you are thinking about filing for bankruptcy you should consider some basic tax advice. The best way to plan your taxes and bankruptcy is to make sure your limit the tax refunds you get. The reason for this is you do not want to...