When paying off debt and focusing on your finances it can be very easy to forget why you are doing it in the first place. You pay off debt because you know that you’ll feel better once it’s gone. You want to get your finances...
When dealing with debt people can get confused. There are many moving parts when it comes to the process of accumulating debt, sorting it out, and paying it off.
Here are 5 common questions we get about debt.
How Long Will It Take To Pay It Off?
The length...
People tend to ask this question a lot. “What can I do with a bad credit score?”
Maybe you’ve recently filed for bankruptcy and are dealing with that sitting on your credit. Or, maybe you just paid off your mountain of debt and have finally escaped the...
So the mountain of debt you told yourself you’d never get paid off is finally eliminated. What do you do now? Becoming debt free can be a great feeling.
After telling yourself for so long it wasn’t going to happen, and pushing yourself forward even on days...
Are you having trouble figuring out the best way to pay off your student loans? Don't stress, you're not alone. Many people who've attended college know the struggles of student loans.
They can be a pain when the payback schedule kicks in and the interest starts...
Debt is a nasty little side effect that comes from nasty little spending habits. If you have some chances are there are changes you need to make or have already started making in your spending.
On your search for ways to pay off your debt or...
Some may see bankruptcy as an unnecessary evil while others may see it as a lifesaver. Whichever side you’re on, bankruptcy can make a real difference for you and your family. It can help you gather your bearings when dealing with something as overwhelming as...
Getting your debt paid off and your finances in order is a difficult feat. You definitely don’t want to slide back into debt once you’ve dug your way out. One thing you’ll notice about people who are financially stable is they have the same habits.
Many people want to pay off their debt but they aren’t sure how or why they got into debt in the first place. There are many things you can do that don’t reflect well on your credit.
These 5 are just about the worst.
Opening Too Many Accounts Too...
It's been said the best way to combat bad finances is to have a system in place to keep track of them.
Staying organized when dealing with your finances is key. You'll always know where everything is and how much you owe.
Keeping logs and managing software...