If you are a creditor and are thinking about objecting to a persons bankruptcy plan, you need to determine if it worth your time and money. In many cases you will not be able to recover much if anything from an objection. In some cases...
If you are filing for bankruptcy you have already heard that they are virtually impossible to discharge. This is true the standard the courts have set for discharge of these types of loans is undue hardship. I have read a number of the cases that...
In nearly all my dealings with client I hear a common statement at the first meeting, "I want to or tried to pay back my debt." The statement runs contrary to what many will believe about individuals who find themselves in financial trouble. Many options...
The ethanol industry is America is struggling with low fuel prices resulting in bankruptcies across the industry. The EPA is also considering asking Congress to remove the ethanol mandate fuel contain 10% ethanol. Most of the companies are filing for chapter 7 bankruptcy, since their...
If you are looking at your financial picture and it looks bleak you may need to look at your debt elimination options. The two most common options are bankruptcy and debt consolidation. In the vast majority of cases bankruptcy will be the better option. For...
If you own a small business but have a great deal of personal debt weighing you down then you should consider a bankruptcy to clear up the debt. In many cases the trustee does not have much interest in your business, because they are generally...
Coming to terms with the idea that a bankruptcy is necessary is never easy. Just like the government many individuals are not earning enough money and are spending more than they earn. The end result is an accumulation of debt. Take recent news stories about...
If you are thinking about doing debt settlement in Minnesota you should be aware of the pitfalls associated with debt settlement. The debt settlement industry by its own admission states that 2 out of 3 of their clients will fail in the debt settlement process....
If you are looking for to file chapter 13 bankruptcy protection in Minneapolis or St Paul you should look into contacting our law firm. We work with our clients to come up with a budget based on reasonable expenses. If you are looking at some...
In searching for a bankruptcy attorney one of the factors in deciding who to hire is what the cost is. A common problem for potential bankruptcy clients is they are too broke to go broke. Too broke to go broke is a nice way of...