Companies Agree To Remove Bankruptcy Debt From Credit Reports - Bolinske Law
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Companies Agree To Remove Bankruptcy Debt From Credit Reports

Companies Agree To Remove Bankruptcy Debt From Credit Reports

Two of the biggest banks, Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, have recently announced some very good news to consumers who have filed personal bankruptcy in the past.

The two banks are eliminating consumer debt that are still showing on credit reports after the individuals filed bankruptcy and extinguished the debts.

The change is expected to impact consumer credit reports over the next 3 months according to the story in the NY Times.

The action comes as a result of lawsuits brought against the banks in Federal Bankruptcy Court citing aggressive debt collection techniques by the two banks and several others.

You can read the full story in the New York Times at the following link:

Read The Full Story Here

Bottom line, it is good to see some accountability from these corporations that have preyed on individuals in the past, albeit forced at the hands of a lawsuit.

If you find yourself a victim of aggressive debt collection tactics, or intentional negative credit reporting, please contact us right away so we can go over your options to fix and eliminate the harassment.


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